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At times the NDIS may sound like another language, that's why we are here to help.
What is NDIS?The NDIS is a funding scheme that supports eligible people living with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life.
Who are the NDIA?The NDIA stands for National Disability Insurance Agency. It is a Commonwealth government agency that is responsible for implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIA is made up of the people who will support you to understand the NDIS and whether you are eligible to access the NDIS.
Am I eligible for NDIS funding?The NDIA is tasked with assessment of your eligibility to participate in the NDIS. The following are the eligibility criteria: Be under the age of 65 years of age. Be a resident of Australia (Australian citizen, or Permanent Visa Holder or a New Zealand citizen who holds a Protected Special Category Visa) Have a condition or an impairment that is permanent and prevents you from participating in everyday activities.
What is DSP?It is Disability Support Pension. DSP is separate to the NDIS. If you are receiving the DSP, this does not mean you are automatically eligible for the NDIS. You will still need to check your eligibility and apply for the NDIS. The NDIS is intended to fund disability-related support, while the DSP is intended to help individuals living with a disability with their day-to-day living expenses.
What is SIL (Supported independent living)?Supported Independent Living (SIL) is one type of help or supervision with daily tasks to help you live as independently as possible, while building your skills. SIL is the paid personal supports. It includes things like having a person to. help with personal care tasks or cooking meals.
What is Respite /Short Term Accommodation (STA)?Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home. It covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself. It’s often funded when your usual carers aren’t available, or for you to try new things.
What is Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)?It’s funding for somewhere to live if you can't move into your long-term home because your disability supports aren't ready. Medium term accommodation isn’t a standalone support. We only include it in your plan as part of your other home and living support needs. We generally fund medium term accommodation for up to 90 days. Funding for medium term accommodation only covers the cost of the accommodation for the time you stay there. It’s a temporary and extra cost you have due to your disability support needs.
What if I’m over 65 years?You will not be able to take part in the NDIS if you are over 65. Instead, you might be qualified for financing from the aged care system.
What types of support does NDIS funding cover?Not all types of support required by a person living with a disability fall under the responsibility of the NDIS . Some supports are funded by other areas of government (e.g. state health systems) or existing public/community services. In general, the NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help a person living with a disability enjoy an ordinary life. These supports and services fall into three categories.
Does the NDIS cover the cost of medical care like diagnostic assessments, treatment, medication, hospital/GP visits or Medicare gap fees?The NDIS is not designed to fund supports more appropriately funded or provided by the health system. Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of health conditions, along with medications and hospital care, remain the responsibility of the health system. As a general guide, the following health-related services and supports are not provided or funded through the NDIS: Items and services covered by the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), nor Medicare gap fees. Treatment, services or supports delivered by a doctor or medical specialist, including diagnosis and assessment of a health condition. Items and services provided as part of diagnosis, early intervention and treatment of health conditions, including ongoing care of chronic health conditions. Medically prescribed care, treatment or surgery for an acute illness or injury including post-acute care, convalescent care and rehabilitation. Sub-acute care including palliative care, end of life care and geriatric care.
Are the Disability Support Pension and the NDIS linked?The Disability Support Pension along with other income supports and payments such as the Carer Payment, Carer Supplement, Carer Allowance and Child Disability Assistance Payment are entirely separate to the NDIS. These payments will not be affected if a patient qualifies for NDIS funding (the exception to this is the Mobility Allowance from Centrelink, which may be replaced if your patient’s NDIS plan includes transport-related funded supports). It’s important to note that someone who is receiving the Disability Support Pension is not automatically eligible for NDIS funding and supports.
Useful links to NDIS
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